The Leadership Gap


At True North Executive Solutions, we are passionate about bridging the leadership gap by providing expert oversight for a C- Level vacancy or partnering with leadership and boards to develop strategy and maintain critical business operations. 

But what is a leadership gap?  A leadership gap exists when an organization lacks the critical leadership competencies necessary to achieve and sustain success in today’s ever changing, fast paced world.  Examples of these competencies include emotional intelligence, adaptability, innovation, and strategic thinking.  This gap can be the result of an underdeveloped emerging leader or a vacancy in a senior level position without a succession plan. 

About 10 years into my career in Human Resources, the HR Director I reported to suddenly became ill and within a couple months, passed away.  The organization was without a succession plan and due to his untimely death, decades of experience and institutional knowledge suddenly vanished. 

As an emerging leader, I should have been the obvious replacement.  I had been with the organization for 15 years and had previous supervisory experience.  I had institutional knowledge, relationships and hard skills.  However, I lacked the soft skills of an effective leader such as emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, innovation and more.  This was a result of being underdeveloped within the company.  The organization had not invested in my development as a leader or in planning for succession (expected or unexpected). The organization suddenly was experiencing a significant leadership gap.

However, not understanding where my gaps were, I applied for the position anyway, and while I was not promoted to this position, I had the capacity/desire for development.  At the same time, we had a new leader of the organization who believed strongly in the value of leadership development, and I was fortunate to receive several years of leadership coaching in both a group and individual setting. 

Fast forward five years and I had the opportunity to lead the HR team, and a few years later I began leading multiple teams.

Subsequently, I was able to support the transformation of the organization, lead teams through a pandemic, complete the construction of a new building, and execute on tough decisions, even when I knew it meant my position would be eliminated as a result.  I became an authentic leader, strategic thinker, executor and led by example.    

The consequences and effects of a leadership gap are real.  Turnover increases.  Operations and strategy can come to a halt, and critical time and gains are lost.  And in today’s world, every minute counts.

Michelle Lee, MSM



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